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Try to get outside your own paradigm and evaluate the various positions as objectively as possible. Play the devils advocate. Dont become complacent or self satisfied. Really know not just what youre talking about, but why. Construct your argument like the Greeks did 2500 years agowith logos, ethos, and pathos. Establish your credibility by being fair to the opposition.

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But the process is fine. Its very workable. Its very doable. Its very reliable. Heres a guy talking who took the brunt of the political malfeasance. Politics was not what motivated his vote against Morton, he said. Rather it was concerns about her courtroom demeanor, which were raised by the judicial advisory board, even though it ultimately recommended her retention. Its the culmination. Its the entire process that JAAB went through, which included LaSotas letter as well. Its the entire picture that was presented for her. As for Morgan, Lane said he cannot explain why other council members initially voted against retention.

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28, The Asian American Student Association released a letter to HSA and the UGA community stating they stand with the university's Latinx students. ASA also said UGA's Student Affairs statement was "half hearted" and that the university has once again failed its students. With no further investigation or action from the university, Rosales said it felt like minority students on campus were not being fought for or protected. She said if the university had a pattern of putting their foot down on racist remarks in the past then individuals wouldnt feel so empowered. Arroyave said this is not the first time HSA or Hispanic and Latinx people have experienced discrimination by white UGA students. Before attending UGA, Arroyave said she had reservations after hearing about racism on the campus and a 2018 email written by an UGA employee in which the employee expressed her opinion about injustice and lawbreakers who she believes are undocumented immigrants. Diana Chico, a UGA alumna, was the president of HSA when the organization received the letter in 2018. She said the organization attempted to work with the university afterward to make sure it didnt happen again. I loved and appreciated my time at UGA, but there were several different situations like this one in 2018, Chico said. Now hearing about this years Zoom incident just reminds me about the lack of support for Latinx community. Jennifer Casas, a UGA freshman intended accounting major, was present during the HSA Zoom meeting when the white men shouted profanities and laughed.

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