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Other examples of need based grants include the Penn Grant from the University of Pennsylvania, the University of North Carolina Need Based Grant, the Guaranteed Access Grant open to Maryland residents, and the Winston Salem Foundations various grant and scholarship programs for area students. Students should keep in mind that need based grants do not only go to poor students. According to U. S. News, the majority of federal aid goes to students with household incomes under $50,000, but some colleges award grants and scholarships up to $180,000. Furthermore, Ivy League schools do not grant athletic scholarships or merit scholarships; all aid is need based.
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and Campbell, Clark D. 2007 in Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward a Christian Approach. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic presents views that every crux of every life is the question of transformation. What causes a person to move from point A to point B?How does a cantankerous, difficult person evolve into a person with solid friendships and new social graces?How does a problem drinker reduce alcohol consumption?Why does depression give way to hope, and anxiety to peace?How does a person learn to draw near to God in prayer?How can people learn to handle anger better, or lust, or greed, or contempt?These questions are for spiritual leaders and pastoral counselors. Care of souls is caring for people in ways that not only acknowledge them as persons but also engage and address them in the deepest and most profoundly human and spiritual and aspects of their lives. The foundation of pastoral care and counseling is to be found in a quality that includes but which also goes beyond acceptance and empathy, namely compassionate availability. At least five forms of soul care should be a part of the life of a church: Christian friendship, pastoral ministry, pastoral care, pastoral counseling, and spiritual direction. Sandars, T. 2010 explains that spiritual formation is an important topic for Christian education. It provides insight and research into the increasingly popular field of psychology, specifically into spirituality and religion. Religion and spirituality not only have to do with thinking, but also with emotion.