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SAS, for example, explicitly says this is not their backup services purpose and advises users to talk to their local support provider. External hard drives are convenient places to keep a backup copy of your data. If you're working with sensitive data, you can even get encrypted external hard drives for added security. It's best not to keep your external hard drive right next to your computer or other copies of your data. If there's a fire, flood, burglary, or other misfortune in the lab your external hard drive will face the same fate as your computer if they are co located. It's also a good habit to label your external hard drives and keep a record somewhere of which hard drives have what data on them.

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Chinook, Cashmere, and Centennial hops give it a perfect, juicy bite to complement the creamy mouthfeel. Fruit and oatmeal. its like breakfast in a glass!This is an Extra Special Bitter with a twist!We fermented this beer with our house Klsch strain as opposed to the London Ale Strain that would typically be used for an ESB style. This ESB variant was brewed with 5 pounds of Blackbeard Coffee Roasters Colombian coffee beans. Dapple Dog Dry Stout is brimming with dark chocolate notes, hints of honey and smells of roasty espresso. Marris Otter malt paired with specialty Carafa malts creates a bready, mouth coating beer, while the East Kent Golding hops bring out subtle, herbal notes. A variation of our award winning Dapple Dog Dry Stout this tiramisu dry stout brings you notes of soft cocoa, espresso, and a creamy mouthfeel that gives you the dessert experience!This gose has a crisp sulfur in the nose, reminiscent of traditional German lagers, carried by a very thin and light body. Its got a high carbonation that is accentuated by the lactic acid bite. Who else thought it went, Dooont go Jaaason Waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that youre used to?Anyone?Just me?Cool. This RIS has a strong aroma of toffee, graham cracker, and chocolate syrup. Carafoam, Munich, and Marris Otter malts shine, while the roasted barley and chocolate malt give it a lingering roasty sweetness.

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Obesity, according to a Mayo Clinic study, "is greater among children and adolescents who frequently watch television. "Obesity can be caused by genetic mutations and an out of kilter metabolism, but the culprit is nearly always taking in more calories than are used up by exercise, aka overeating. And the answer to that is education: Educate the parents, educate the children. Educate the children to educate the parents. A 24 week study of the effect of teaching nutrition and offering structured exercise programs at four Loudoun elementary schools led researcher Karen G. Speroni to conclude that school nurses might use their position as "role models and spokespersons to foster increased activity and improved nutritional education in their schools and communities. "Speroni, director of nursing research at Inova Loudoun Hospital, concedes that "school nurses and/or school staff cannot solve the childhood obesity epidemic. " But it's a place to start. In her study, students at four elementary schools volunteered for an afterschool exercise and nutrition pilot program based on the local franchise Kids Living Fit. Speroni, with fellow researchers Cynthia Early, research nurse at Inova Loudoun Hospital, and Martin Atherton, George Mason University adjunct professor, added registered dietitians and registered nurses. The children also participated in afterschool activities, and for four of the 24 weeks wore a pedometer and recorded how many steps they took in a week.

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After completing the program and receiving certification in their area of IT specialty, SkillStorm places them with companies and organizations for two year terms of employment. They make $30 $45 per hour and the company or agency that employs SkillStorms certified software engineer pays for the training, Vianello said. Vianello said the program is intensive. Participants are in training eight hours a day and have homework and assignments outside the classroom. The first cohort of up to 30 participants is scheduled to begin in November at JUs Downtown campus in VyStar Tower. Based on its employer clients that seek certified IT technicians, Vianello said SkillStorms ideal business model is for half of the program participants be active duty military or reserve or veterans who meet federal security clearance requirements.

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